
For solutions to your technology problems...


United Kingdom:
Omonix Ltd
(Company Number: 11390775)
Office 3.05
1 Kings Street
London, EC2V 8AU
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 3290 9602

Australian Affiliation:
Union Roth Capital PTY LTD
T/as Omonix
ACN: 118 686 178
PO Box 6666
East Perth Business Centre
WA 6892
Phone: +61 1300 660 787
Fax: +61 1300 661 787


Omonix Technology Group is a highly-skilled collection of talented people who can help your company or organization increase efficiency, protect from threats, and improve profits or income.

Request a personalized, detailed analysis of your needs and to learn of cost-effective solutions that Omonix can provide for you!

 Click to request your free consultation

Cyber Security Solutions

Every day we hear more about computer hackers breaking into systems, hijackers holding data files for ransom, identity theft, and other criminal acts that didn't exist just a few years ago.

As hackers get more sophisticated, every organisation needs to have a plan and systems in place to fight back.

 Contact us for a free quote

Web Solutions

Our web team has years of experience creating modern websites. We use the latest Responsive designs to provide an optimal user experience across multiple platforms.

You expect your doctor to keep up with the latest knowledge in his field -- expect nothing less from your web department.

Let us help with a perfect web solution

Social Media Support

Our team includes highly-regarded social media experts who can provide you with skills and knowledge to greatly improve the impact social media has on your organisation.

We offer consulting services to help your organisation with social media.

Ask how social media can benefit your company